Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024: Apply Online and Check Benefits

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Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024– The Government of Karnataka State has introduced a new social welfare initiative named Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024 with the intention of decreasing the increasing number of NCD’s in Karnataka State. According to the scheme the Government aims to provide free health checkups for health problems like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hypertension etc. Along with these this scheme also targets symptoms of Cancer and advices and treatments regarding it. All those citizens who are suffering from these types of health conditions they can do registration under this yojana by visiting the Official Website online.

About Karnataka Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024

This Karnataka Gruha Arogya Yojana is launched by the Government of Karnataka State in order to control the spreading of the NCD’s Health Conditions in the Karnataka State. Under this yojana the Authorities aims to provide free health checkups of health problems like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Hypertension etc. With the implementation of this scheme the Government will make Karnataka People Fit and Healthy. Currently there are 29% of citizens in Karnataka who suffers from High Blood Pressure Problem and 15.6% Citizens are affected by Diabetes condition.

And a huge number of these citizens are financially unstable that they can even afford to get treatment of these conditions by themselves. The Government will also provide financial assistance to treat these conditions. So the Government of Karnataka has come up with and great initiative to help all the citizens across the state. All those people who are suffering from these conditions they can visit the Official Website and do registration online under this program.

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Short Summer of Gruha Arogya Yojana

Name of the schemeGruha Arogya Yojana
Introduced byKarnataka state government
ObjectiveProvide health screening
BeneficiariesCitizens of Karnataka state
Official website 
Launch date24th October 2024
Other benefitsFree medicines

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Objective of Gruha Arogya Yojana

The main objective behind this Gruha Arogya Yojana is to control and decrease the Spreading of NCD’s in the Citizens of Karnataka State. Along with this the Government aims to provide Free Health Checkup and financial assistance to get the medicines for the Health Condition citizen is suffering from. Al of now Currently there are 29% of citizens in Karnataka who suffers from High Blood Pressure Problem and 15.6% Citizens are affected by Diabetes condition. And a huge number of these citizens are financially unstable that they can even afford to get treatment of these conditions by themselves. The Government will also provide financial assistance to treat these conditions.

Benefits of Gruha Arogya Yojana

  • The main benefit behind this Gruha Arogya Yojana is to control and decrease the Spreading of NCD’s in the Citizens of Karnataka State.
  • the Government aims to provide Free Health Checkup and financial assistance to get the medicines for the Health Condition citizen is suffering from.
  • Under this yojana the Authorities aims to provide free health checkups of health problems like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Hypertension etc.
  • And a huge number of these citizens are financially unstable that they can even afford to get treatment of these conditions by themselves. The Government will also provide financial assistance to treat these conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicant must be a permanent resident of Karnataka State.
  • Citizens must have applied for this scheme.
  • Citizens must be suffering from health conditions like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes.

Silent Features of Gruha Arogya Yojana

  • Wide coverage: the Government aims to provide Free Health Checkup and financial assistance to get the medicines for the Health Condition citizen is suffering from.
  • Door-to-door visit: The authorities will send their agents to door to door at the citizens residence.
  • Diseases check: Disease checked under this initiative are as follows, diabetes, hypertension, blood pressure, oral cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer.
  • Further treatment: After completing the Health Checkups and having some disease then the citizen can visit the Ayushman Arogya Mandir for treatment.

Application Process

STEP 1: All those citiznes who want to get benefits under this Gruha Arogya Yojana they have to visit the Official Gruha Arogya Website.

STEP 2: After reaching the homepage of the website applicants need to click on Apply Online button.

STEP 3: After that you’ll be redirected to a new page with an Application Form opened here you need to enter all the details required in the Application Form.

STEP 4: After entering all the details applicants need to double check the form and click on Submit button.


Which state launched the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024?

The Karnataka state government launched the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024.

Who is eligible to avail of the benefits of the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024?

All the citizens for the permanent residents of Karnataka state are eligible to avail the benefits of the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024.

Who launched the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024?

The Health Minister of Karnataka state, Mr Dinesh Gundu Rao launched the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024.

When was the Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024 launched?

The Gruha Arogya Yojana 2024 was launched on 24th October 2024.

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